
The GeoPark Ruhrgebiet represents a cultural and natural landscape and adventure area. Visitors are invited to discover more than 100 geosites, 2 GeoRoutes, more than 20 geotrails, museums, industrial heritage sites, current mining places and research institutes. If you are planning an excursion, you are welcome to ask for support by the geopark team.

Information boards, designed by the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet e.V., are mostly provided with a short summary in english language.


Exkursion im Steinbruch Steltenberg © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet

More Information


Interactive map

GeoRoute Ruhr: red
GeoRoute Lippe: blue
Geo- und Miningtrails: purple
Bike-trails: light blue

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More than 100 geotopes can be visited in the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet. Geotopes are natural objects, deserving protection. They are communicating knowledge about the development of the earth and the evolution of life. They comprise:

  • Natural objects like cliffs, erratic blocks, springs and caves

  • Parts of the landscape like karst areas, dune fields and thrust moraines

  • Visible rock beds and places of discovery for fossils like quarries, mining tunnels and escarpments

Special Geosites are the visitor mines and the visitor caves in the GeoPark.

Interactive map

Five of the geosites have been officially honoured as “National Geotopes” by the German Academy of Geosciences:

  • the Muttental near Witten with remains of historical coal mining and the Nightingale Mine (Westphalian Museum of Industry)
  • the Vorhalle-Quarry in Hagen with spectacular rock folds and place of discovery of some of the oldest winged insects worldwide
  •  the rugged karst landscape of the Felsenmeer in Hemer
  • the exposure of the Variscan unconformity in the Geological Garden in Bochum
  • Klutert Cave in 2017 was established as one of three „National Natural Monuments“ in Germany
Hotozontale Schichten über schräg stehenden Schichten.
In the Geological Garden in Bochum © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet

Geotrails and GeoRoutes

The GeoPark Ruhrgebiet can be cross walked on the GeoRoute Ruhr, a trail with a length of 185 km in the southern part of the GeoPark area. In the northern part of the area bicycle riders may cross-ride the GeoPark on the GeoRoute Lippe, that has a length of 300 km. Besides, there are several local trails, where geology and mining history are communicated. The Tour de Thermie includes ten examples for the use of geothermal energy, that are spreaded all over the GeoPark area. The Industrial Heritage Trail of the Ruhr Regional Association connects industrial monuments. Many of them are related to mining history.

Interactive map

Logo und Leute vor Felswand mit Logo
GeoRoute Ruhr © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet
Flusslandschaft mit Logo
GeoRoute Lippe © Andreas Abels

Information Centers

The GeoPark Ruhrgebiet includes two information centres, where visitors are informed about regional geology and the offers oft the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet. The information centre in Witten priorizes the development and ressources of hard coal. The information centre in Ennepetal spezializes on karst and caves.

Interactive map

Besucher an Tisch mit geologischer Karte
Information center Witten © LWL (Jürgen A. Appelhans)
Vitrinen und Plakat
Information center Ennepetal © Lutz Koch


Many museums in the Ruhr Area have remarkable geological collections and deal with the topic of regional geology and mining history. Most of them offer programs for different target groups, like guided museum-tours and workshops.

Interactive map

Förderturm am Abend
The Ruhr-Museum in Essen is located at the UNESCO-Heritage Site Zollverein. © Jan Bosch
großer fossiler Baumstamm mit Wurzeln im Museum
Fossil trunk in the German Mining-Museum in Bochum © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet

Mining tips

The northern part of the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet is naturally flat, but there are numerous mountains raising above the plain. Most of them are built of excavation material from former coal mines. Today the old mining dumps are impressing landmarks and lookouts, that ware used for various leasure activities. At some places the excavation material lies open at the surface. Here you can find fossils from the Late Carboniferous Age. There are more than 100 mining dumps in the Ruhr Area. They are presented (in german) on the websites of the Regional Association Ruhr.

Interactive map

Unbewachsene Halde mit Kunstwerk aus Eisenbahnschwellen
Haniel mining tip in Bottrop with artwork of Agustín Ibarrola © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet
Begehbare beleuchtete Grubenlampe in der Nacht
Rheinpreussen mining tip © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet


Numerous extracurricular learning locations offer programs for pre-school, primary and secondary education. They comprise environmental education, programs about mining and industrial history and educational offers for sustainable develoment. Many programs deal with geology, often in combination with mining history or industrial nature. The GeoPark Ruhrgebiet offers advanced training on request for providers, wishing to integrate geologigal topics in their program.


Gruppe mit 11-12-jährigen Kindern
School at the Stiepel-quarry where the trace of the Bochum saurian was found © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet
Drei Jugendliche und Vater mit Sohn an Tisch mit Schatzkiste, "Fährtinand"-Stofftier, Steinen und Aufgaben.
GeoPark activity-desk with Georallye and treasure-chest © GeoPark Ruhrgebiet


Twice a year the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet publishes a newsletter, "GeoPark News". The "Themenhefte" series of booklets is issued at irregular intervals. The booklets are intended for interrested laymen, teachers or juveniles in the higher classes of secondary schools. Each of the booklets treats a special topic, like for example "Ice Age" or "Geothermal Energy". Furthermore geo-touristic guidebooks, scientific scriptures and material for children has been published by the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet. All publications are written in german language.

The newsletter "GeoPark News"
Publication "Themenhefte" on different topics
Drohnenaufnahme von Steinbruch mit Kohleflöz

National GeoPark Ruhrgebiet



Infostand mit Zelten, Rollups und drei Leuten

Contact persons
